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Note the central figure of the woman, blue, like glass, she shines as the light of God bounces off her hard exterior. We can almost see through her, as if she is not there. But she exists, no doubt, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. She does not notice the burning palm trees, nor does she comprehend that she’s standing in a gallery of dangerous cactus thorns. There are apples discarded at her feet. As she eats one, she personifies the lessons from the tree of knowledge, the truth of good and evil, by disregarding God’s warning not to eat from it. She is consumed by her own image, and thus, she is human. However, as her hair cascades down her body, observe that she has the torso and legs of a demon, and a devil holds the apples in her skirt. Three crosses on the hill denote the presence of God that she has turned away from.

-Multiple sizes available
-210 GSM enhanced matte
-Giclee print with ultrachrome HDR ink
-Original artwork, hand painted with oil paint and expertly photographed to create paper prints