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Does this painting make you uncomfortable, or perhaps, you are in awe? I would bet money on the latter. When viewers behold this masterpiece, they are immediately struck by the hypnotic circle of fire, and are caught up the Devil’s gaze and unable to look away. They do not see the many guns in the background, set against a fading green that lightens in hue, akin to the green felt of a pool table, where many fights have broken out for less than a silver dollar over the centuries, ending in bloodshed. If they took the time to notice the guns, on closer inspection, they would see that they are toys, and subsequently, futile for permeant disruption. Wars start on small disagreements, disputes over land, freedom, beliefs. If one looks to the arms in the foreground, they could be seen as two disembodied displays of strength in an arm wrestle, or they could be interpreted as two sides joining forces, united under the blessing of the red rosary that dangles between them. Hasn’t God commanded us not to kill? As the flames twirl in the circle around the masked Devil in black, we understand that until we break the cycle of war, we will never know true peace. We are all human. We all want safety, security, peace love unity and respect. Fueled by the fury of Wrath in our veins instead of the Forgiving Blood of Christ, we will continue to fight futile battles against anyone who stands in our way, until there is nothing and no-one left to fight for.

-Multiple sizes available
-210 GSM enhanced matte
-Giclee print with ultrachrome HDR ink
-Original artwork, hand painted with oil paint and expertly photographed to create paper prints